Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I finally managed to get a little something done on the sewing machine...after I dug it out from all the clutter surrounding it!
A pair of "lounge" pants from a bed sheet that had a big rip in it. I seem to be so in love with paisley recently, there are so many different styles & color combos!
I ended up giving them to a close family friend that's like another daughter to me. I love making things & giving them as little surprise gifts for no special reason. are a couple pics of the progress with the "monster" dresser
...& Primed
of course I still have the drawers to do, & find some new hardware, but I'm pretty happy with the progress so far.

1 comment:

  1. The furniture starts looking much better in white, I want to do the same with some things I have!

    Thank you a lot for your nice comment about y work in the blog Down and Out Chic ;O)
